YouTube Model Builders Magazine 11 月號

YouTube Model Builders Magazine (eMag) Vol. 3 - Nov 2017
YouTube Model Builders Magazine (eMag) Vol. 3 – Nov 2017

美國著名鐵路模型期刊《YouTube Model Builders Magazine (eMag)》2017 年 11 月號的萬聖節特輯,刊登了我的水彩marker 畫作,包括波蘭烏克蘭日本的電車,當中着墨較多的是對於外國讀者較陌生的 SN26Sir Alexander 火車頭。


美製 SN26 在雲南雞箇鐵路服役直至上世紀九十年代。正正因為雞箇鐵路屬十分罕有的 600 毫米窄軌鐵路,早前當這幅水彩畫發表後,引起國外的鐵路討論區對雞箇鐵路及箇碧石鐵路的興趣。(另看《窄軌蒸汽火車頭 SN26》)

窄軌蒸汽火車頭 SN26
窄軌蒸汽火車頭 SN26

The SN26 operated on the 600mm narrow-gauge Jijie & Gejiu Railroad (雞箇鐵路) section of the Yunnan-Kopei Railway line in Kunming, a mountainous region in southwest China, pulling both cargo and passenger cars until 1991.

The Jijie & Gejiu Railroad continued operations until it was shut down in 2009. It was the last 600mm narrow-gauge railroad in Mainland China. The SN26 is one of three remaining Bald-win 0-10-0s and was restored by Nanxiang depot. It is now exhibited at the Shanghai Railway Museum.

Sir Alexander

至於美製 Sir Alexander 火車頭,很多香港人都認識,它是現存大埔香港鐵路博物館的 51 號柴油火車頭。與製作鐵路模型一樣,繪畫同樣按步就班,於是,期刊的電子版連結到我的 YouTube Channel,向讀者展現繪畫過程。

其他畫作,大家下載《YouTube Model Builders Magazine》 11 月號看看~~

A beautiful pen and ink drawing of the Australian-made diesel-electric engine (an EMD G12) number 51 christened “Sir Alexander” after the then governor of Hong Kong Sir Grantham. Engine number 52, a companion engine, was christened “Lady Maurine” after the governor’s wife. Sir Alexander served Hong Kong Railway from 1954 to 1997. It has been restored and is exhibited in the Hong Kong Railway Museuem.


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